Roman Catholic News and Issues

An orthodox blog that discusses the issues of the day as they relate to the Catholic faith.

Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Monday, January 30, 2006

A Catholic University (again)

Providence College has discovered that it is a Catholic University and banned the vulgar play, the "Vagina Monologues". This is good news in this day of ever increasing secularization of our Catholic schools and univerisities. The Lexington Herald Leader reported

The president of Providence College, which is run by the Roman Catholic Dominican religious order, has banned a campus performance of The Vagina Monologues -- a play about female sexuality and violence, saying the work contradicts church teaching.

...The new school president at Providence, the Rev. Brian Shanley, wrote in a Jan. 18 letter to students that he particularly objected to one tale that uses religious language to describe a sexual encounter between a woman and a teenage girl.

While the teen narrator describes the episode as "a kind of heaven," Shanley said it's "abusive, exploitative and morally wrong." The church teaches that homosexuality is "intrinsically disordered."

This is very good news indeed.


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