Church Kills Gays?
Elton John is at it again. This time he is accusing the Catholic church of being responsible for the death of 60 of his friends who have died from aids. Lifesitenews is reporting a story where by Elton believes that the best way to prevent aids is sex education.
It is sad but true, that some people are so blinded by there prejudice that they cannot see the truth for the lies. The catholic position is that homosexuality is a disorder. The church teaches that someone who suffers with homosexual tendencies should abstain from those activities (remain celebite) from sexual contact outside of a traditional marriage. This same advice applies to heterosexuals as well. This advice, if followed, will save millions of people from aids and other sexually transmitted diseases. The advice that he would have you follow, which is the position of almost all countries, has not slowed down the spread of these STD's and in fact has helped spread them. This happens as many adopt a sexually permisive lifestyle which leads to either a failure of the condom, or a failure of the individual to be 100% consistant. This is a sure recipe for failure.
My prayers are with any and all sufferers of this dreadful disease. I pray that the Lord will give them comfort and peace in this world and in the next. And that Sir Elton John will find the love of our Lord. Amen.
Speaking at a business awards ceremony, he said, "We don't have a medical vaccine but we have a social vaccine and it's called education." He failed to include in his so-called education platform that condoms may be a leading reason for the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Even leading health experts at the United Nations have acknowledged that condoms have an estimated 10% failure rate.
It is sad but true, that some people are so blinded by there prejudice that they cannot see the truth for the lies. The catholic position is that homosexuality is a disorder. The church teaches that someone who suffers with homosexual tendencies should abstain from those activities (remain celebite) from sexual contact outside of a traditional marriage. This same advice applies to heterosexuals as well. This advice, if followed, will save millions of people from aids and other sexually transmitted diseases. The advice that he would have you follow, which is the position of almost all countries, has not slowed down the spread of these STD's and in fact has helped spread them. This happens as many adopt a sexually permisive lifestyle which leads to either a failure of the condom, or a failure of the individual to be 100% consistant. This is a sure recipe for failure.
My prayers are with any and all sufferers of this dreadful disease. I pray that the Lord will give them comfort and peace in this world and in the next. And that Sir Elton John will find the love of our Lord. Amen.