Homosexuality & Pedophilia: A Missing Link
LifeSite News is reporting that a battle is being waged in Canada to lower the age of consent for anal sex from 18 to 16 years of age. This is in response to the Conservative parties attempt to change the age of consent from 14 to 16 for normal sexual intercourse.
So it would seem that the agenda is outed in Canada. The group EGALE (Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere) is actually fighting to legalize sodomy for teenage boys. What most people had known (that the incidence of pedophilia per capita, was greater in homosexuals than among heterosexuals) is finally out in the open. While the hetereo community is pushing to protect our children from premature sexual contact until they are older, the homosexual community is attempting to "Push Back" by forcing the age of consent even younger. In fact this has been a goal of the movement since the 1970's. In a study conducted by Steve Baldwin "Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement" The Report states
So we have an agenda driven mostly by the homosexual activists to lower the age of consent and to incorporate pedophilia into the homosexual movement. This contrasts with there public statements which attempt to discredit any link to homosexuality and pedophilia.
Please pray that the Lord will intercede for our neighbors in Canada.
Reacting to the Conservative Government's plan to raise the age of consent for normal sex from 14 to 16, EGALE (Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere) has commenced a campaign to have the age of consent for anal sex lowered to 16 from 18. Laurie Arron, the director of advocacy for EGALE remarked to the Ottawa Citizen, "There's no reason to treat anal sex differently than other sexual acts except to stigmatize gay and bisexual men."
So it would seem that the agenda is outed in Canada. The group EGALE (Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere) is actually fighting to legalize sodomy for teenage boys. What most people had known (that the incidence of pedophilia per capita, was greater in homosexuals than among heterosexuals) is finally out in the open. While the hetereo community is pushing to protect our children from premature sexual contact until they are older, the homosexual community is attempting to "Push Back" by forcing the age of consent even younger. In fact this has been a goal of the movement since the 1970's. In a study conducted by Steve Baldwin "Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement" The Report states
The Holy Grail of the pedophile movement is the lowering or elimination of all age of consent laws. The main warriors in this political and legal battle are "mainstream" homosexual groups. Robert Knight and Frank York of the Family Research Council have thoroughly documented this in a report. "As far back as 1972, the National Coalition of Gay Organizations adopted a ‘gay rights platform’ that included a demand to ‘repeal all laws governing the age of sexual consent.’" It is homosexual activists within the United Nations who are lobbying to give sexual rights to underage children. In England, the campaign is being led by Outrage! and Stonewall, both homosexual organizations. The Dutch homosexual group, Association for the integration of Homosexuality, has succeeded in lowering the age of legal sex to twelve in Holland. Assisting them was another homosexual group, the COC, which stated: The liberation of pedophilia must be viewed as a gay issue . . . [and that] ages of consent should therefore be abolished . . . by acknowledging the affinity between homosexuality and pedophilia, the COC has quite possible made it easier for homosexual adults to become more sensitive to the erotic desires of younger members of their sex, thereby broadening gay identity.
In Canada, the effort is led by homosexual activist and NAMBLA defender Gerald Hannon. In America, aside from NAMBLA, the effort is supported by most of the major homosexual organizations such as the National Gay Task Force. Indeed, the annual homosexual "March on Washington" invariably releases a "statement of demands" which includes abolishing age of consent laws. Homosexuals in Hawaii have already successfully lowered the age of consent there to fourteen. To be frank, it is difficult to find an advocate of lowering the age of consent laws in the United States or elsewhere who is not a homosexual activist.
So we have an agenda driven mostly by the homosexual activists to lower the age of consent and to incorporate pedophilia into the homosexual movement. This contrasts with there public statements which attempt to discredit any link to homosexuality and pedophilia.
Please pray that the Lord will intercede for our neighbors in Canada.
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