Roman Catholic News and Issues

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Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Friday, February 03, 2006

Christians Tortured for Faith

Christians in the Phillipians Mandanao region were killed by islamic terrorists, bent on spreading the religion of pieces. Catholic World News was reporting
A cold-blooded massacre of Christians in the Philippines, believed to be the work of Muslim terrorists, has raised fears of a full-scale religious conflict in the region around Mindanao, the AsiaNews service reports.

Gunmen broke into a farm in the small town of Patikul and killed six people, including a 9-month-old baby girl, after first having asked if they were Christians. Five others were wounded in the attack.

The gunmen were believed to be members of the Abu Sayyaf organization, a Muslim extremist group with links to al Qaida. Muslim terrorists have been active in the region around Mindanao.

Being martyred for being a christian is still happening today.


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