Feminist Suicide Bomber
Europe and the West are facing a demographic crises that will lead to the end of the West and Christian culture. The strange thing is that the fall of the West is not at the hand of Communist armies, not at the hands of Nazi's. The end will come from a self induced demographic suicide bomb. The West, having abandoned God and adopted the tenets of secularism and feminism, are careening towards a cliff. The very tenets of this new religion are killing the west off. World Net Daily reports that a promenant feminist actually admit that woman should only have one child, and that to only secure there position financially.
Europe and the Liberals in the U.S. share the same philospohy, and the knife is at there own throats. Abortion, birth control and not getting married at all are the weapons the non Catholic West is using as there suicide bomb.
In a recent New York Times column, David Brooks reported on Linda Hirshman, a retired Brandeis professor who has decided the time is right to push the feminist case to the next plateau, to, as she says, “radicalize feminism.” In the December 2005 issue of The American Prospect, Hirshman informs us that women who stay home and dedicate themselves to children and family concerns are shortchanging themselves and society. Why? Because the “family — with its repetitious, socially invisible, physical tasks — is a necessary part of life, but it allows fewer opportunities for full human flourishing than public spheres like the market or the government.”
Hirshman argues that parents and schools should make clear to young women that their primary goal in life is to find careers that pay well: “The best way to treat work seriously is to find the money. Money is the marker of success in a market economy; it usually accompanies power, and it enables the bearer to wield power, including within the family.”
To achieve this goal, she recommends that women find husbands who will share domestic drudgery equally: “You can either find a spouse with less social power than you or find one with an ideological commitment to gender equality.” And one other thing: “Have a baby. Just don’t have two.” Having two children, she argues, is the tipping point that will make it near to impossible to pursue a truly meaningful career. She warns that if talented women continue to make the bad choice of staying home and raising children, it will leave men forever in charge of the things that matter in life at the highest levels of society.
Europe and the Liberals in the U.S. share the same philospohy, and the knife is at there own throats. Abortion, birth control and not getting married at all are the weapons the non Catholic West is using as there suicide bomb.
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