Ecuminical Dialogue
The Armenian Apostolic church is hosting a meeting between the Oriental Orthodox churches and the Latin and Eastern rite Catholic churches. The Oriental Churches split with the Holy See in the 5th Century ad over Christ's divine and human natures (hypostatic union). The oriental churches felt that the church in Rome was advocating a form of Nestorianism. This belief has since disapeared and the seeds for a possible reunion of the two churches is close.
This is a very positive statement. God willing a family reunion of sorts will be in the offing.
God bless. :)
The confusions and schisms that occurred between their Churches in the later centuries, they realize today, in no way affect or touch the substance of their faith, since these arose only because of differences in terminology and culture and in the various formulae adopted by different theological schools to express the same matter. Accordingly, we find today no real basis for the sad divisions and schisms that subsequently arose between us concerning the doctrine of Incarnation. In words and life we confess the true doctrine concerning Christ our Lord, notwithstanding the differences in interpretation of such a doctrine which arose at the time of the Council of Chalcedon.
From the common declaration of Pope John Paul II and HH Mar Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, June 23, 1984
This is a very positive statement. God willing a family reunion of sorts will be in the offing.
God bless. :)
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